Tuesday, August 27, 2013 • 10:38 PM • 1 comments

Hello globbahs, I'm so sorry I have been like MIA for the past month.  I've delayed all my posts and to be honest I think I'll just skip the other ones since it's been like over a month when it actually happened... (oops!)

Here is a few things that have already happened:
 I have returned home from Vietnam
 My boyfriend from Texas has visited me
 I've started college
 I'm working on a commission for some Business Cards
 I'm also doing a commission for the famous Rachel (aka vintagedolls)
 I went to the state fair with Lisa
I've begun practicing for my dance group
A lot has happened within this little month! First thing is first, I am now a college freshman!  I started yesterday and it was a wonderful experience no matter how awkward I am.  The only thing I did was sit in the corner of all my classes and awkwardly look down and not talk to a lot of people unless they initiated the conversation.  I'll make sure to do a tips for the new college freshman post & tips for the high schooler college-to-be guide later on when I have more free time!  

Second thing was my boyfriend Daniel visited after my return from Vietnam! He stayed from July 25th to August 14th (: I really am blessed to have such a great person like him though, I don't know what I'd really do without him.  We spent a lot of our time together, and he slept a lot.... we went to the mall and such and then we took a roadtrip with my friend Truong to another part of Kentucky.  Towards the end I took him across the bridge to Indiana and went to Deam lake with him before he left and went back to Texas.  Hopefully next time it's my turn to go to Texas!  Fingers crossed! 

 This is mostly what he did, I just created a stuffed animal circle around him... fus ro dah.

 Note, never take men shopping unless they want to help pick out clothes

On the way to Florence, KY with my childhood friend!

Another big thing is I've begun working, again.  I'm working in a Chinese restaurant that belongs to my friend's family (thank you Clinton for the major hook up there) and I work the cashier.  It's called Chong Garden and it's a fast food Chinese restaurant, this will be my second job in general and first time working with food services!  The hours are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 5-8 which is decent time for a full-time college student like me. 

I'm also working on a commission for Rachel (vintagedolls) for something for her to wear to Life in Color!  This is only a progress photo, be ready for the final product!  More about that later!


Anywhoooo, this is about it for the updates.  I'll have a special post up after class and work tomorrow!  I hope you all are still following since I've been MIA (;-;)

Find me elsewhere!

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