Update x Temporary Hiatus
Saturday, October 12, 2013 • 4:32 AM • 0 comments
Today, my grandmother passed away.  She has come to that point where her body could fight no more and let go of her spirit.  So in the time-being I am in mourning alongside my family.  I'm not going to be able to blog for a bit until things wrap up and settle for the pain and loss my family is currently enduring is painful. 

My mother has just booked her flight back home, unfortunately for me - I can't go because of University, which is a sack of balls (excuse my language) because this also means I cannot give my formal goodbyes to her.  I can only wait until I go home again and say goodbye, just not face to face.  I want to apologize to her for not being able to come back and properly say goodbye to her and show her my tears and love in person.  

This is just something I want to say to those of you who(m) still have grandparents that are alive and either close-by or living with you, just a few words of wisdom I've learned from this:

- Cherish all the time in the world you have left with these people, you think it's not a big deal now but it will be towards the end when you look back and reflect and make your regrets.  For you will not have much time left or you won't be much closer than you want to be as you and they age with time.  So make as many memories you possibly can with them while you still have the chance to, until you meet again later in life and you get to where they are.

Ah, how unfortunate this falls 9 days before I turn 18.

At least she's no longer in pain and watching over us from here on out - Rest easy Ba Ngoai, I love you. 



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